Sunday 6 October 2013

[Watch] Miley Cyrus Smashes "Wrecking Ball" Perforamce @ SNL

We knew she could do it, but she proved it for reals when she took new single Wrecking Ball to the Saturday Night Live studio this weekend. No craziness or outrageous outfits, just Miley and a microphone, singing her heart out.

Wrecking Ball still sounded slightly out of the Diva's live range, but the rasp that came with those pushed notes worked well with the song's melodramatic lyrics. Where the Diva's comfortable belt really lies is within its mid-range, which she demoed during an acoustic rendition of Bangerz lead single We Can't Stop. If she stopped the smoking and the drinking the voice probably be more elastic, but I don't think that's on the cards any time soon!

Check out both performances below! 



  1. Loved the performances (and the opening skit was pretty funny as well... )

  2. Speaking of...

  3. That is some master-level shade. I bow.

  4. Just tired of that "hoe" business every comment by that little twerp. ;-)

  5. Woahhhh no need for name calling Opie :(

  6. Oh piss off Josh. I don't see you posting that remark under the many comments where said twerp called singers "hoe".
    I also didn't see you make such a comment directed at the twerp when he called me "hoe" and "cunt" or when he called other posters here such names.
    Of course I know already you only take issue with my comments. Probably because you too are a little twerp

  7. some parts sounds the same like the studio version... strange... the vocals were at best okay. common, Miley is not a vocalist.
    otherwise we are never able to judge voices like kelly clarkson, leona lewis, mariah carey, celine dion, christina aguilera or jennifer hudson.
    I ask myself why never talks about her bad vocal technique. I thought this page is all about the vocal technique and not "it was a good performance"... without any criteria...

  8. I am by no means a professional about vocals, I just have an opinion about what sounds good and what doesn't and to me the whole thing sounded okay too on the second spin, i was probably just happy that miley managed a performance where an untrained ear could somewhat hear that our beloved hobby-stripper did not struggle on the vocals :)

  9. I do like Miley. But idk, I feel like she's more of her own artist/performer, rather than a vocalist. She has a really nice raspy voice that I always liked, but I don't think she's intentionally going for Whitney level vocals. But I gotta say, I do enjoy her acoustic crooning renditions of We Can't Stop.

  10. Oh she has more of such performances. :-)
    I also suspect that reply by Dreamfighter might be inspired by a resentment over the barrage of comments re "bad technique" Christina posts always get.
    I can feel her pain a bit as I find that whole line of critique often exaggerated. Certainly it seems Christina is being rather haunted by such critique.

    Personally...I really like Miley. I think she sings pretty good but also I feel she has that ability to really deliver emotional truth in her voice.
    Years ago btw the term singer was used for someone who is technically sound, whereas vocalist was used for someone who really had a individual style and interpretive ability. Very confusing to see it has become to mean exactly the opposites. LOL
    For me Miley therefor is truly a vocalist. :-)

  11. And young girls have this HOE as an example. This is a trashy woman, a shame to society. hoe,hoe, hoe, hoe, hoe, hoe, hoe, hoe, hoe, hoe, hoe, hoe, hoe.

  12. Santa is in town! And he is in a twerp.

  13. you REALLY look like someone how loves to bow. ashsyahahaahahaahahahaashsshaha

  14. clean your act, hoe,

  15. thanks for the photos. Sometimes is good to see a real sexy lady.

  16. Are you being a "racist" like you accused BlackRobin of? Or is that the third time you throw around a gay slur?

  17. Fuck off you son of a dead whore

  18. "silly, weak-minded" That's the person who thinks that can hurt me by posting mariah's videos and photos all the time. Grow up, hoe. You're losing your mojo here. U don't even know how to attack me anymore. You attack Mariah just to try to hurt me (something that will NEVER happen). U don't know I loud I laught. LOL

  19. I know you are a liar twerp. I am pretty sure each time I posted those videos of fat hoe has been were far from laughing.

  20. My mother is a dead whore, so she doesn't have to work anymore. I bet your mother is still on the job. hahahahahahahahaha

  21. yes, I was. As I am now. LOL

  22. And how sick and low can you go twerp? Going around claiming your mother is dead and then laughing at her supposed death.
    You are one sicko alright.

  23. after watching those poor and amateur perfomance, Barbra and Bee Gees saved me from hell. I'm better now.

  24. How utterly unsurprising you find pictures inspired by prostitutes "real sexy"

  25. That's Barry Gibb you moron. Not "Bee Gees".

  26. very classy and sexy Mariah. And no, your mother's "job" didn't inspire these beautiful pics

  27. did I ask you anything, hoe?

    go find a P-cat.

  28. "improve that fat hoe's ability." No you and your mother don't have to improve anything. I bet you're both the best on "the job". lol

  29. You might spent your time better learning the language you insist posting in twerp. Laugh away if that is the truth. I know I laughed my head off too when I heard Mariah desperately pretend to sing or try to distract from not having delivered a truly good and live performance for at least a decade now with selling nude pictures of her pregnant self and hubby.
    That really was a hilariously cheap stunt. I can see how such cheapness inspires great devotion in twerps.

  30. Yeah you did moron. You posted that stupidity in an open forum.

  31. Well he looks far better than your lug head ass....

  32. bitch, please. U can do better.

  33. Nice response twerp. Really it is. It goes such a loong way to prove you only "laughing" at my comments. But seeing as your English failed yu once again. Had you been able to read, you would have understood I was talking about the fat has been hoe called Mariah Carey. Wonder if her pimp husband knows who really fathered those kids?

  34. And at this point you can't do worse. Stoop through the mud you come up dirty....JS....

  35. kkkkkkkkk
    still laughing. You're attacking Mariah, not me. Call her and tell her yourself. LOL. So lame!!!!

  36. Sarcasm - an art for a few. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    dumb hoe.

  37. Maybe you stop laughing and start thinking twerp? Because I just insulted you three times in that comment ..moron
    I wasn't insulting Mariah though. Was just describing her. :-)

  38. not there yet. Try it harder.

  39. IDG what I'm trying at? All I'm doing is entertaining you because I'm bored and we just so happened to be on the same blog at the same time... it simply isn't that complicated. I mean you are incredibly stupid so you should know.

  40. That wasn't sarcasm moron. Sarcasm is hardly an art for few but it sure is not one you know anything about twerp.

  41. Still are moron. Again, seeing as you are are posting a comment in an open forum. You are asking alright.
    and I don't mind informing you of the answer nor repeating that are a twerp and a moron.

  42. that's not the Opie Hoe I hate. You're so lame today. U lost it, hoe.

  43. Still are and I still don't mind repeating the are a twerp and a moron.

  44. I know moron. Also still not thinking. Giving me an easy shot like that. I mean...they are all open goals but that one... They don't come easier than that. Too easy to even be mildly entertaining anymore. Till next time twerp! :-)

  45. Still listening to my Barbra, and not asking for any explanation. Die, hoe.

  46. The vocals were better here than in some of her previous performances, but I'm still not impressed. I know people claim she's able to convey emotion well when singing, but I can't say I felt anything while watching her performance of Wrecking Ball.

  47. Nobody asks for your opinion either. This is an open forum.

    You were proven wrong on up to it.

  48. LOL More proof of how hard you are 'laughing" eh? "die hoe"..what a charming fella you are. And she is not 'your" Barbra moron. Neither is Mariah yours twerp.

  49. I liked it, she genuinely looked happy whilst performing and a lot more relaxed. Wasn't trying hard to impress anyone, just being herself. Technically and vocally, it wasn't the best. Strained and pitchy in many areas, but she's improving. Gj Miley.

  50. voila. thank you for your empathy ;)
    I just think we should judge all these artist the same. Otherwise it will be not objective.
    For me with your Definition she isn't even a vocalist. There are thousand of people who sound like here.
    Compare here to Ella Henderson. There is no ground to compare here to a real vocalist...

  51. Well she is by my definition. Perhaps you didn't really understand my definition. I think she has a quite unique voice actually. Ella to my ears sounds like what I call a singer. Lacking that certain something I, by lack of better words, call "truth".
    Or "Life".
    Ella sounds to me like the kind of singer who will thrive best singing Broadway or middle of the road Pop music (and I like the latter so that is not intended as a slight. Just a genre indicator)
    Miley's voice is imo most suited to Country(Real not that Nashville chart crap) and Americana.
    I have a way bigger natural emotional affinity to Country/Americana than I have to Broadway/middle of the road pop.
    I think the first has music which reflects life, the second is rather sanitized emotionally.
    It's exactly why I , unlike many of those critics, do often like Christina...she also has that kind of thing in her voice.

  52. I don't know what the word twerp means but it doesn't sound too nice imo. Also, I choose not to comment on Luiz' rudeness because he seems to either have the mental age of a toddler or be an expert troll. What I was trying to say in my first comment, and it may have not been very clear and for that I apologise, is that as the older and more mature person, you shouldn't stoop to his level, and that maybe you shouldn't have responded to his comment that was directed towards Miley and not you. :)

  53. LOL genius answer xD

  54. Well if that isn't a demonstration of silly and weak minded as well. You don't know what the word means and can't be bothered to look it up. But you can be bothered to post a complaint about it.
    And then it turns out your issue isn't even with the use of the word but with the fact,so you claim, that you feel I am not behaving properly for my age by your standard.
    Wear it with pride deserve it alright. :-)

  55. I still believe that this Miley is somewhere inside that new Miley, I hope she's just having phase with that self-destructive image...

  56. LOL the effect having gone lost now.

  57. Really? Personally I don't think that was really Miley. By her own accounts she was not being herself while under contract with Disney.

    She felt, due to said contract, obliged to reign herself in a lot.

  58. Well I wasn't really bothered when she cut her hair and I find We Can't Stop actually a pretty good tune and the video is funny i thought everyone was taking her way too seriously, but her performance at the VMA's to me was a no-go and I am not really okay with her smoking and drinking in such an eccessive amount because it ruins her beautiful gift (yes, i called Miley Cyrus' voice beautiful, this is just my opinion everyone) plus she needs her performances to stay consistent, I know she can do that

  59. I don't think We can't stop is a really good tune. I mean, it's not the lyrics, but the instrumental and the tempo. I don't really feel like partying and going wild with that song. I personally think that Can't be tamed (if it wasn't for the criminal exces of autotune) was waaaaay better as a song.

  60. Everyone has his own opinion about different things but I get what you mean :)

    Speaking of Can't be tamed, you need to check this out, it's basically an Acappella-group playing the "Wizard of Oz" and singing a mash-up (i don't even know if you can call this a mashup anymore) of different pop songs including Can't be tamed (2:56 if you wanna fast forward, but don't, it's worth it). they're called Pentatonix, check them out.

  61. Hell yeah, Christina has it

  62. I prefer Can't Be Tamed as well. But WCS isn't bad either.

  63. Miley performed the song again on Good Morning America, and she did the key change again like she did at iHeartRadio. I think she definitely nailed this performance also. In addition, she also performed We Can't Stop and the classic Party in the USA, I think she sounded solid in my opinion.

  64. A comparatively better showing than iHeartRadio. She sounds much better.

  65. Thanks for posting this MikeyPop.
    I agree..she nailed it. :-)

  66. Not gonna lie, that second pic of Mariah has been my iPod wallpaper for the longest time lol.

  67. And why not? She looks hot. :-)
    I have no issue with this picture. Only posted it to show up that twerp's hypocrisy.

  68. I get you. Slut-shaming one woman, then pevertedly praising another one for wearing similarly revealing clothing. But then again, why do we even try?

  69. Exactly! :-)
    Why I try? I am hoping to find that out soon and overcome this weakness of mine to even bother with twerps.

  70. UGHH!! Okay I'll admit..
    Her lows are a guilty pleasure of mine..hauntingly dark; woody-like texture..authentic "rasp". Her timbre down there really sends chills at times. If only the rest of her voice didn't sound so..unstable?? I don't know lol

  71. Hi guys! My name's Jose. I'm from Venezuela (English isn't my first language), and I'm a singer (not professional xD). I never had a vocal coach, or some music expert who could tell me my type of voice, so I wanna some help. I hope you could have 5 minutes to hear a cover made by myself, and you are free to make your opinions (goods and bads) and make a kind of vocal review to myself (based on what you hear)

    Thanks in advance

  72. The line the 'classic Party in the USA' made me laugh

  73. It's basically a classic.

  74. As a longtime Miley fan, I was happy to see her knock Wrecking Ball outta the park on SNL and Today. WCS was more problematic, as usual, since it seems the notes find their way into her nasal moaning range and cause serious issues, such as word-slurring and her well-known warbly vibrato that, IIRC, did not exist before she was 15, when I seem to recall that she blew her vocal chords out. I can't help wondering if using an Antares Autotune plug-in would clear these issues up, or make them worse? Her mother also said, in her MTV special, that Miley gets tired and sings when she's out of breath, but that she'd rather "sound bad than not be 100% live." Further, Miley has tachycardia (arrythmia) which causes her heart to race and make her lose breath. However, despite these drawbacks, I always enjoy the best live versions of her songs over the studio work, because she's so dynamic on stage. When she's on, she's incredible, when she's off, she's horribad, and this can vary from song to song in a concert or even in the space of a single song. ;)

    Of course, going back a few short years, we can see the punk rock heart in Miley that makes her pop music a bit aggressive at times, as she sings with her idol, the all-time Queen of Rock, Joan Jett, on the Oprah Show, of all places. If only they'd taken this act on the road. But man, Miley really nails Cherry Bomb!

  75. Miley's always had a wobbly vibrato.

  76. It's so ingrained in American pop culture it might as well be. It's regarded as the anthem for the death of Bin Laden, BTW.

  77. "that she'd rather "sound bad than not be 100% live."

    Exactly one of the reasons I like Miley. Making that choice.

    " When she's on, she's incredible, when she's off, she's horribad, and
    this can vary from song to song in a concert or even in the space of a
    single song."
    That's what you get with live singing and what makes it interesting. Of course the best singers manage to most days and most songs sound great but I feel a lot can be compensated by being a singer you believe when they sing, you can make an emotional connection with.
    That's the power of singing and of live can connect with the individual on stage.

  78. Ya que eres de Venezuela podré responderte en español ^^ Lo primero de todo, decir que tienes una voz muy bonita, eso sin duda, pero quizás elegiste una mala canción, ya que esta requiere tener muy buenos graves y una voz algo más pesada. Lo ideal sería que la cantara un barítono o incluso un bajo, pero no un tenor como tú. Aún así, el timbre naturalmente bonito de tu voz y la delicadeza con la que lo has cantado lo ha salvado mucho, por lo que en realidad ha quedado bastante bien (Además de que para ser un tenor tu técnica en los graves es bastante buena) a mi parecer.

    El problema ha sido las partes en las que se requiere más potencia vocal. Ahí la canción requiere mucha fuerza e incluso un poco de agresividad, y eso es algo que te ha faltado. La falta de potencia no me ha parecido por falta de apoyo del diafragma (En general me ha parecido todo muy bien apoyado) sino más bien daba la sensación de que te daba miedo cantar esas partes y que te has contenido. En ocasiones es más recomendable que esas partes estén algo gritadas aunque la técnica no sea perfecta en lugar de que se queden cortas (Especialmente siendo una canción de Christina Aguilera).

    Yendo ya a cosas muy específicas, en el momento de 1:09 (I will suffer tonight) me ha gustado mucho que lo cantaras en voz de cabeza en lugar de mezclado como en la original, ahí has sabido aprovecharte muy bien de tu voz de tenor. Luego, un fallo que he visto es que cuando tenías que pasar de cantar una nota delicadamente a una cantada con más fuerza te fallaba el apoyo del diafragma (*You're* all *I* need 0:52).

    En resumen: aunque ha habido algunos fallos, lo cierto es que para no haber tenido un entrenador vocal está muy pero que muy bien. Te aconsejo trabajar algo más de potencia vocal y acostumbrarte a no tener miedo a cantar con fuerza. Es posible que primero cuando lo intentes apoyes sin querer el sonido en la garganta, pero tú sigue intentando hasta perderle el miedo y lo acabarás consiguiendo. Ya que no sabías tu tipo de voz, te digo que eres claramente un tenor y que, como ya te he dicho antes, tienes una voz muy bonita ^^

  79. Yep, it was playing the other fay in the radio and my mother said "this was real music and not what you kids listen to today!"

  80. I haven't heard it in her pre-15 stuff, but I haven't heard a lot of that material, so I'll go looking for it, unless you have a convenient link. ;)

  81. Re singing 100% live; "Exactly one of the reasons I like Miley. Making that choice."

    Funny thing, the first time I saw her perform live was when she appeared on Dancing With The Stars and blew the roof off with "Fly On The Wall." Made me an instant fan. As you say, true live performances have their warts, and perhaps because Miley moves around so much, she has trouble with control. But she does seem steadier in rock and country than in other genres. The 2 links below are, first, her performance of "Can't Be Tamed" on Britain's Got Talent -- a title that proved prophetic -- and her Ashlee Simpson cover "Kicking And Screaming" on the Today show. Each seems pretty much flawless to my admittedly uncultured ears.

    Forgive me if these have been posted before.

  82. Sounds pretty good to my ears as well. But those don't sound like she was quite herself yet. Titles may be prophetic but it doesn't really feel like her kind of music.
    I don't think she's a "rocker" by nature.

    What I am really liking about Bangerz is the mix of genres and the humor. Straight out Rock seems to ...simplistic for Miley.

  83. i just saw this, and this is great coming from her! i wish that she'll realize that we like it toned down, without all the crazy things she does but i don't think that's going to happen anytime soon but still i totally have huge expectations from her!

  84. "we"? Have you gone Royal josh? ;-)

  85. So-freaking-cool :D

  86. Gracias!! :D

  87. Not really. Again, her timbre isn't dark and creamy enough. Her middle register lacks the volume & richness that a Spinto normally has. Spintos also have great volume in the upper register & can carry that volume to their head register as well. Jessie's never displayed those feats. She's Lyric for sure.

  88. Your mom and I are very alike.

  89. Please keep in mind that I have a very exaggerated sense of humor and you should pick which times to take me seriously.

  90. Lol LOl LOL. let's change that to "I as well as the mobs" hahaha. just tone down a NOTCH and focus on the vocals that's all i request. anyway i like her crazy too.... she's really funny

  91. This is very cool. I watched her on Fallon last night and she was hilarious as usual. Loved the bizarre fake arms sketch, but this Brady Bunch thing was a stroke of genius. I wonder whose idea it was?

  92. I am afraid you completely lost me with all the Rap references. totally not a genre I know.

    I already posted that Jolene duet with Dolly once myself. Love it.

    I read about what critics said about the album on Wikipedia and noted that the negative reviews mention pr stuff/stage antics. For me right away an indication it's not a serious music critic talking. And therefor not someone who's opinion I am even taking the slightest bit more serious than any random commenter on the net.

    I think you misunderstood my not natural Rocker comment. It first of all did not go to her voice but to the personality. And second, I meant by that .... her natural interests seem to be more varied. Which is a positive thing. And very much reflected on this album.

    The disjointed critique..I think it comes from people who are a tad anal. To me this album doesn't seem disjointed in the least bit. Just because different genres are reflected doesn't make it disjointed as long as their is a binding factor in attitude/personality. I think there definitely is.

    I also don't think the Miley haters are hating strong women. I think loads of people in this society are frustrated and always looking for a bandwagon to leech unto in order to release their frustration through hatred.
    Same reason why so many jumped unto the Mel Gibson bandwagon. Same reason many pick some artist to troll on the net and leave hateful comments where ever they can.

  93. damn i missed it!!!! but i think there is a replay so im gonna wait for it


  95. I can agree with this.

  96. didn't ask your opinion either.

  97. genius? o, my god! People sell themselves for any penny.

  98. shut up. You're my bitch wife. Stay on my side.

  99. not as stupid as you, lady.

  100. You're stuttering sweetie! :-)

  101. You belong with Sakura.

    After ten years of groveling and apologies, I emphatically stipulate.

  102. She didn't really use a vibrato in her early work tbh, but when she did start using it the wobbliness was very pronounced.

    And it's really not indicative of damage either. It's what CVT terms a hammer vibrato and is pretty natural. Edith Piaff kinda has a wobbly vibrato too, as does Christina (sometimes.)

  103. He's a troll Opie -- he gets satisfaction out of you replying and reacting to his comment. Just don't, the best thing to do.

  104. Then what's the fun in coming here if we can't get into arguments? Attacking trolls with verbal battle axes and figurative pikes is simply fun...

  105. LOL Yes, I am not unaware of what he is.

    And I am aware any response will make him come back but we all tried not responding for a while, he also kept coming back. There's no harm having my own little fun with such a loser. See it as a public service...long as I keep him busy, he ain't annoying other places with his trolling. ;-)

  106. this may be the first time :)

  107. It was way more original than any of your responses, although it's not funny anymore since you edited your comment.

  108. No no Leith. That wasn't Luiz doing any editing. That was DD in response to my flagging Luiz's his comments whenever he calls people "hoe" and such.

  109. Second try since my comment got held up..No Leith, it wasn't Luiz doing the editing. That was DD in response to my (and maybe others?) flagging his comments in which he calls people "hoe" and such.

  110. Umm, your bitch wife?

  111. whore. That's better.

  112. oh, Gosh! Slip and fall over a hard D...

  113. I didn't edite anything Hhoe. DD is changing ang cutting my comments.

  114. shut up and deal with it. At night, i'll show you.

  115. I'm both cracking up and really uncomfortable right now.

  116. Being autonomous is my origin, I belong with NO ONE! #ForeverAlone

    Although Sakura is kinda hot xD

  117. Wow lovely essay. I now feel obliged to write similar. Which usually has the effect of me ending up being less long winded than I normally am.

    I grew up on Dutch popular music, big bands like Glen Miller, Benny Goodman, Vera Lynn, Doris Day,Louis Armstrong and such. Light classical like Strauss.
    I then went into Beethoven, ABBA, Streisand, Kate Bush and Country music.

    Got introduced by the one friend into Baroque and such like Vivaldi, Handel etc, by the other to heavy Metal like Rammstein, Korn.
    Throughout my life loved some pop music, hated most.
    I think my music taste is pretty much all over the map. There's artists and songs to be liked in almost any genre IMO.

    Growing up in Europe during the seventies and eighties, I probably view Punk and such, things which "shock" middle America very differently than most Americans. ;-)

    Which is probably also why nothing Miley did so far is new nor shocking to me. leaving me free to concentrate on the actual music she makes.
    I find her Americana stuff good, her rock stuff not so much tbh. It just doesn't feel "true" to me. An issue I have with a lot of American rock music. probably why I prefer Heavy Metal and why I love a band like Rammstein.

    I am totally surprised at how much I like what Miley is doing the last two years. Especially this album since Hip hop generally speaking is very much not my kind of thing.
    But I do and I think it is because it is such a mix of genres.

    After seeing which songs she picked for that backyard session (indeed the choice of Lilac Wine impressed me too), hearing she was talking about Gretchen Peters song The Matador on her twitter and now listening to the blend of genres on her album..I too have come to the conclusion Miley has a quite sophisticated knowledge of music.

    I am not quite agreeing with you regarding women in rock but maybe that is because when I think rock women I think Melissa Etheridge, Janis Joplin and Anouk. Women possessing very good stage presence and not inclined to end up caterwauling.

    Also however much I am loving Miley's album, I wouldn't call her the most fascinating pop star I have ever seen. That first of all remains a title Kate Bush holds and also I find Marina Diamandis and Florence Welch to be at least as fascinating.

    As for my hopes for Miley...I am totally hoping/expecting her to go the Americana direction down along the line. :-) Musically to me more interesting than straight out Rock and a genre which caters more to long lasting careers.

  118. E3 - G#5

  119. may be exclamations but are good whistle tones. I have no doubt she can access that register with relative control

  120. her voice does have a slightly metallic quality, not the warmer timbre a full lyric. Although she technique isn't solid yet (there is still tension) she has exhibited the size of sound you could expect from spinto's.

  121. amazing voice >3

  122. Pretty much disagree with most of what you said there. LOL
    Clearly you are pretty fanatic about American punk/rock. A genre I personally view much as you view Country and songwriters like Peters. ;-)
    I also disagree with your take on Miley's statements and certainly on Bangerz.
    It also seems to me to be a bit contrary to each other to be all punk/rock yet seen to so highly regard salesnumbers.

    But, hey, it's all good. We both like Miley anyway. :-)

    And yeah, I figured you'd enjoy Johhny Rotten. Like I did. That's why I posted that link.

  123. Btw again, the mention of the Peters song was meant to indicate Miley's wide musical interest. Not for a moment did I mean to suggest she should cover that song. It is not a song for a 20 year old to sing.
    Or for you for that matter, were you a singer LOL I don't think you quite got what it is about. It's not about a matador or a woman's complicated feelings re matador. It's about women's tendency to romantically fool themselves.

  124. I meant I disagree with your takes on the things you talked about.

    I also meant the attitudes of American Punk/Rock. They have little to do with who invented what or when but everything with American society and world views shaped by that society.
    My sensibilities are shaped by growing up in a western European society....from the seventies and eighties. Those are very different from American sensibilities.

    Frankly I find the whole punk/Rock rebellious scene (of any continent lol) rather unconvincing. In my experience 95% at least are fully adjusted members of society by the time they hit their late thirties.
    Starting to really wonder btw what age bracket you fall under? I gather you are not a teenager but beyond that...

    Yes, that is the point I made a few comments back, our diverging view of such songs as the Matador no doubt is due to our respective sexes. :-)
    As likely s our diverging views on punk/rock.

    The name dropping I am afraid is totally beside any point. What does it matter who you knew from the Seattle Grunge scene?

    I am with you in liking how Miley seems quite aware of her own privileged position, what that brought her but also that most people are not that lucky. It is not an understanding one normally sees in people who grew up under such privileged conditions.

    I find the whole "appropriation' discussion a silly one. As long as a persons' interest is genuine and thoughtful...I ain't bothered. :-)

  125. LOL We are the same age in that case.

    It's not that I dislike Punk nor that I don't subscribe to it having influenced other people. I picked that video with Lydon because I enjoy him myself and knew from your enthusiasm for the genre , you would get why he is enjoyable. :-)

    Me, I am still trying to be the obnoxious one by bitching about things. ;-)

    I think it's a hormonal but also personality difference/taste difference.

    Though I have always fought the system where I could, it was never part of rebelling against my parents. I think what bothers me is that for much of the rebellious audience, it is.
    But also..for many of it's artists it is.

    We better not get into the incredibly derivative nature of Gaga's work or we will be swamped with Gaga stans. ;-)

    I think most of the smaller sub genres of music the scene is such that it's artists are quite approachable. I am sure you know that's the case with Bluegrass. From experience I know that is also the case with for instance the Old music scene. A classical subgenre with but a pretty small following.

    Obviously as one who, though not enjoying the punk scene and music quite as much as you do, does subscribe to many of it's political views...I of course wholeheartedly stand behind the sentiment of down with neoliberal capitalists. :-)

    I leave you with some more gentle ways of making what are essentially big political points. (though you will probably consider them mawkish LOL)

  126. VOCAL BEAST >3 she got unique black girl 's voice

  127. Black girl's voice? What does that even mean?

  128. What a stupid comment.

  129. Well done, Wikipedia.

  130. Her timbre does resemble more a dramatic soprano imo.

  131. Strong like a dramatic? So she could match a typical dramatic soprano like Patti Labelle? Or even Whitney who was a spinto? No and no, she can't.

  132. Exactly. As you age, the voice naturally darkens. Even at that pace, she'll never develop a timbre equivalent to that of a true Dramatic. Again, she's without the timbre & size. Spinto isn't all that arguable. Her scale is highly uneven. She can only bring a decent column of sound in the upper register, not the mid or HV. In fact, when I think of it, she's not really eligible for Full Lyric Soprano.

    People seem to believe that this makes her less amazing but it doesn't. The girl is a beast lol

  133. i hear that spinto can became true dramatic soprano that's right? p.s. i don't talk about jessie

  134. Yes, they tend to mature into Dramatics.

  135. she sounds good in live


  137. she have unhuman agility

  138. not mezzo , soprano

  139. Thanks for the explanation, Opie. I can see what you're saying.

    I'd still love to hear what it is you object to about American punk.

    BTW, I forgot to compliment you earlier for your research into Miley's band. Not many people even notice them.

  140. LOL The links were superfluous. i did the research on youtube myself already

  141. Oops! I forgot links!

    In order, "We Must Bleed" is an American punk classic by The Germs. "Fast And Frightening" by L7 is a song I dream that Miley might cover. Most likely just a dream, but the line, "got so much clit she don't need no balls" is IMO appropriate for Miley. ;D "Ready To Go" by British band Republica, with Saffron ob vocals, and who I adore almost as much as Miley, is I think also a nice match for Miley's character. Finally, "Partys Fall" by Brit band Siouxsie And The Banshees is my argument for a song of significant emotional complexity. Alas, the copy on YouTube isn't the best.

  142. As her voice develops & her technique improves her instrument is imo, showing itself to be that of a spinto as apposed to full lyric.

  143. Lol, it was all good fun.

  144. So they (your friends) tried dragging you and you screamed? LOL! And yah, teachers don't do their job. At my old school, they'd have stayed to see who it is, let them proceed and then take action once it progresses to higher extremes lol Gotta love High School haha!

  145. jessie j - at last this was amazing

  146. i don't like her songs , but she is a brilliant singer

  147. my favourite singer

  148. she has great potential

  149. she is soprano; but no way she is full lyric soprano or light , She's has metallic sound to her voice

  150. When you sing in a balanced heady mix, you will sound steely even if you are a damn soubrette. I will say this much though. Her voice is even all the way up the scale. She doesn't lose any volume on cake notes (as of lately and I'll exempt her cover of emotions LOL) and blossoms at G#5/A5 but the volume there is still not what I'd expect from anything bigger than a full lyric. I'd say she's either a full lyric or an underdeveloped spinto. That's the issue with dramatics colors in pop. If they are truly dramatic they don't know how to utilize their output. Jenifer Hudson is a fine example. She has ungodly elasticity and stamina when belting, doesn't really loose volume as she ascend up, and blossoms on G#5 and above too but her volume output is medium size at best on anything less than an F5. (I've heard she's been improving and slicing bitched up with that timbre as of lately though).

  151. her sound like whitney houston in her yearly ears i don't think everybody can sound like that

  152. Primo Uomo Assoluto17 November 2013 at 19:26

    WHAT? Nobody, and I mean NOBODY sounds like Whitney

  153. Full Lyric as I've said plenty of times is in a way arguable, more so than Spinto. She isn't a Spinto. Her timbre really isn't dark. A dark voice? Jennifer, Anastacia, Whitney, and even Monica. Jessie's timbre isn't within that shade. And I woiuldn't say the volume is even. There are times where the mid belts have equal volume to the mid belts, but that's only because sometimes in the upper belts she becomes throaty. The more throat, the less air there is to flow through and vibration of the chords, meaning limited volume. But when she's placing the sound properly, her voice does bloom as it ascends. She doesn't have a huge sound output in the mid belts. It's barely even medium if I'll be honest. And then her head voice? I've yet to hear her carry the sound there. The lower register better than most Lyrics, but it isn't full enough. Mid belts again? Not rich. She's a Lyric.

  154. Are you shitting me? Take a nap...

  155. perfect ☁ Deep Sadness ☁18 November 2013 at 17:06

    Jessie J sounds like a lyric spinto soprano to my ear.her technique isn't solid she has exhibited the size of sound you could expect from spinto's.

  156. i am french and i don't know good english . invalid contents of the proposal and failed

  157. possible spinto under all the fluff

  158. No, not really.

  159. mary j blige ft. jessie j

  160. she does not have whistle register. the notes counted are squeaks and exclamations.

  161. I'm almost certain she's a full lyric soprano, not a mezzo. ???

  162. Very beautiful and subtle. I love how even the most elegant vocals are eloquent. People think that you have to overdo the song in order to be impressive and powerful. This is very powerful. I really loved this arrangement. They did the justice, I believe. Lyric Mezzo+Lyric Soprano...awesomenesssssssssssssssssss!!!!

  163. She's not a Mezzo-Soprano! She's a Soprano. (Spinto Lyric)

  164. For me Jessy gets much more boring than Beyonce. I can't hear more than three songs of Jessy in a day, while i can hear Beyonce for hours. It's just something of personal taste.

  165. Why do people think she's a Spinto Soprano when she lacks the big voice and doesn't bloom in sound? People claim she's super metallic and cold....something that exempts you from being a Spinto in the first place. She's certainly not a Dramatic Soprano. At best she's a Lyric. I hear Full Lyric from people but I'm not sure that's what I'd say. It's somewhat plausible, but I personally believe she's simply a Lyric. She could go for Full but I'm uncertain of that. Perfect example of a Full Lyric is Jonalyn Viray, and Jessie's voice is very different from hers in both size and timbre. Then again, that's the most confusing part about Lyric voices. They come in many different forms that it's tough classifying them, the unique ones anyway.
