Wednesday 24 November 2010

Christina Aguilera- "Beautiful" 2010 Performance on Dancing with the Stars

Christina Aguilera sang her 2002 hit Beautiful on the American show Dancing With the stars. The performance started well enough with Christina singing comfortably in her head voice and mid-range, however Strained chest vocals, off key notes and weird timing followed, wrecking any chance of a good performance in their wake.

What would have made this performance- bum notes and all- is if she made us believe she believed in the words she was singing. Instead, you can see in this performance that she's more focused on placing her voice and second guessing if she'll make the next big note than conveying the empowering message of the song.
However, it's obvious Christiana is going through tough times at the moment so we'll cut her some slack and wish her well. But to all those reading, this performance is a prime example of why singing with a high larynx is not conducive to good singing.

1 comment:

  1. Emotion does not make bad singing any better, no matter how expressive the voice, if the notes are off...who really wants to put up with it?
