Tuesday 5 April 2011

Britney spears : "Till the world ends" video review

A 30 second clip of Britney Spears' new video for Till the world ends has just been released on Youtube and it is looking epic!

This is the level of quality I wanted to see in Britney's last video Hold it against me; a video that seemed too cheap for not only a lead single (read the review for Femme Fatale) but for someone of Britneys' stature. Although I eventually warmed to the video after the clever symbolism was made apparent to me, it's treatment still leaves me feeling cold and uninterested when I see it now.

Apart from the glossy look and a Britney with some spark, what's exciting me most about the clip is that the director-Ray Kay- has done what I hoped and decided to go with an apocalyptic visual to tally with the songs lyric "Keep on dancing till the world ends".The resulting visuals fit brilliantly with the urgency that the track's clever structure and searing synths create and should rightfully take this song to the top of charts round the world.

Till the world ends has the potential to be the dance anthem of 2011, not only is the song a joyous experience to listen to- NB the last time I felt this way about a pop/dance song and it's video was in 1999 with Jennifer Lopez's Waiting for tonight- but I'm relieved to see that it looks like the video will be holding its own against the awesome audio!

britney happy till the world endsbritney till the world ends outfitbritney till the world ends video

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