Monday 13 February 2012

Review: Rihanna Performs "We Found Love" And Duets With Chris Martin On "Princess Of China" At The 2012 Grammy Awards [Watch]

rihanna Grammy 2012 performance

Rihanna kept the energy levels up at the 2012 Grammy Awards Ceremony, delivering perhaps one of her most choreographed performances to date.

Her vocals during the piano led intro of We Found Love sounded good but became more pitchy as it progressed with her using some melisma to quickly get away from the missed note. However, once the substantial backing of the song started, she hit her stride, dancing and belting the notes, with a rasp at times, almost perfectly.

The second part of the performance had Coldplay frontman Chris Martin wondering onto the stage and an acoustic rendition of their duet Princess of China began. During this performance Rihanna showed us some great application of her head voice, slipping into it and utilising it easier than the lower half of her range at times. However, being unable to produce sound at one point, and having to clear her throat to carry on, makes me think, along with the hoarseness of the first half, that she wasn't a hundred percent well on the night.

Still, I have to applaud Rihanna for constantly putting her voice at the fore in live situations, with little to hide behind, despite it not being the strongest or most resilient voice out there. Also her improved dance skills on show tonight have to be given a nod and I hope she keeps at it. She ain't no Fred Astaire, but God loves a trier right?


  1. Hmm I (still) don't know how I feel about Rihanna, all of her 'improvements' vocally seem to be only when displayed after a studio recording. Her live, whilst slightly improved, is still pretty off! But I guess it could be worse - she could be lip synching lol

  2. Oh and ps. I dont know if you like coldplay DD but I like their songs only, Chris Martin grates on my nerves big style lol

  3. I have to agree with you about Chris

  4. Yeah, one of the main things I noticed about this performance was the dancing.  It's embarrassing to watch Rihanna try to dance but at least she's trying to get better. 

  5. What do you mean he grates your nerves? His voice does?

  6. Kinda, but just his personality...not gonna deny the fact he is one seriously talented musician though

  7. her backing track was waaay too loud i couldnt tell sometimes if she was even singing on the chorus
