Sunday 25 November 2012

[Watch] Rihanna Sings Diamonds @ X-Factor (UK)

Unlike her awkward performance of the world-wide smash Diamonds for Saturday Night Live, today the X-Factor (UK) was treated to a stronger rendition of the single by Rihanna. Not only were Ms Fenty's vocals more confident than the SNL showing, but the simple staging and the beefed up backing were also much improved.

In fact Rihanna's showing was so hot that she ultimately set off the studio sprinkler system! Thankfully no one was hurt in the process- despite that stage practically being made of electricity. Though spare a thought for that hair piece. I'm not sure it's going to pull through....

[*Runs to get his Armour on*]


  1. Diva, don't hate me for this...but I'm a Rihanna fan now...

  2. Lol! Why would I hate you? It's everyone else who you need to be worried about! lol! You can join me in my armour! We'll ride out the storm together!

  3. i don't hate rihanna ... in fact umbrella and shut up and drive dominated my ipod when i was 13 but i just find her abit...bleh. like a cheap cake promises something good but tastes flat .

  4. lol, Thanks...But I got a question about Rihanna. She confuses me. One minute she sounds like a typical mezzo then her chest voice becomes overly bright like a Contralto....And her head voice is extremely frail. Is she a mezzo, contralto or something in between like a falcon or a soubrette?

  5. this may sound weird - but i much prefer the SNL version and still rihannas vocals on this song dont sound anywhere as good as the studio recording to me
    she is getting better though and i have to give her kudos

  6. *cough cough* I'd rather her just go back to dance music. But still interested in her growing vocally.

  7. Mezzo in training.

  8. I mean, she sounds okay, but the uneventful staging bugs me. Like, you're not a vocalist, so the whole "let-me-stand-here-and-sing" thing just doesn't work. I expect a popstar like her to do something big since she needs it to distract us.


  10. Watch her acoustic performance of Umbrella with Coldplay on YouTube and tell me she is not a vocalist.

  11. Thanks. Rihanna is one of many vocalists on the market that confuses me. lol Jenifer Hudson will always stay a mystery. lol
    Not to ask too much but Jenifer Hudson has a dark and weighty voice like what I'd expect from a mezzo-soprano but her lower range, anything bellow Bb3 to be frank, lacks the ressonance a mezzo carries? So is she like a dramatic soprano, a soprano with the weight of a mezzo but with a higher upper extension?

  12. I cannot issue judgment on J Hud just yet. Her head voice use is rather inconsistent although I have to say her lower notes can be a bit iffy at times. She could feasibly be either. Her timbre is weighty and dark but I am still unsure about her breaks. Her chest voice reaches rather high for your usual mezzo...Akin to soprano Amber Riley in that department although Jennifer's voice is much thicker.

  13. She's gonna surpass Mimi's 18 soon lololololol

  14. Is J hud trained vocally because her voice is seemingly all over the place. I love a singer that can through their vocal range around especially one that can belt way up into the highest reaches of the fifth octave but her low notes are what confuse me...They lack ressonance...

  15. AFAIK J Hud was never classically or professionally trained prior to the start of her career. I do know that she has been performing music since she was a child so that explains why she has such a strong understanding of her voice. Her belting is probably the showstopper characteristic of her voice, but I agree some of the lower notes need a bit more work. If she is a mezzo, she hasn't developed her lower range as much as the other registers. If she is a dark soprano, the lower range may be a generally tense area and she will need to work to strengthen its connection with the powerful areas of her voice.

  16. She's not a vocalist.

  17. I hate to admit it, but I really love his song and I'm not even mad it went number one!

  18. This was just as terrible as any Rihanna song and performance. She's terrible...will always be. This is also possibly the worst song I've ever heard, unlike most of her songs, whether someone more vocally talented (or talented period) or not sang it.
