Friday 5 July 2013

[Watch] Mariah Carey Shuts Down The Haters With Stunning Performances @ Macy’s 4th of July Firework Spectacular

After the fiasco at the BET Awards, Mariah Carey decided (once again) to prove that, sure, she might lip-sync and use pre-recorded backing tracks like they were going out of fashion, but that don't mean gurl can't still sing when she wants!

Taking to the stage at Macy’s 4th of July Firework Spectacular, Mimi gave great voice while serving up astonishing performances of Hero, #Beautiful and America The Beautiful. Looking confident and at ease on stage, her vocal was rich, thick and healthy- even when speaking. In fact, I'd go as far as to say this is the healthiest her live voice has sounded in years! Even her technique looked (I was keeping an eye on her mouth, throat and breathing) much improved! 

Whatever you're doing Mariah, keep at it! Your voice is clearly benefiting from it!



  1. Some bits of America The Beautiful and #Beautiful are lipped, but Hero was fully live.

  2. I now get the feeling the issue isn't just with fan expectations, It's that she herself wants to live up to what once was.
    Because she looked inordinately proud at those whistles LOL.
    But ...good performances! Wish she would stick to more live singing.
    Miguel I think also proved his haters wrong btw. ;-)

  3. I personally think she finally made her real "debut" after her #Triumphant single which I thought was a flop.

  4. What parts of #Beautiful were lipped? Never saw those moments, and I was at the taping. And the only lipped parts in America the Beautiful were the whistles, everything else was live because they taped it 3 times and she chosed which one was to be aired. the only thing that was the same each time were the whistles. The rest were different every time. But #beautiful was only one take

  5. I seem Marian Carey got my death threats about singing comfortable and not to show off... It pains me to say it, but I'm a bit pleased and even more so, I like Marian Carey for the rest of the evening now...-_-

  6. I didn't know she did multiple takes. Thanks for that titbit.

  7. Triumphant has been erased from my memory! Lol

  8. "Some bits of America The Beautiful and #Beautiful are lipped"

  9. She did look pleased! Bless her! lol

  10. Considering it was never really obvious, her lipsyncing has gotten better...but it looked like she was lip syncing the speaking part for hero. Lol...I'm terrible.

  11. Ugh, I'm so deliriously happy it's disgusting.

  12. i want Mariah to so win however a lot how her performances of the macy's 4th of july firework spectacular is lip-syncing. from early 1990-1996 mariah carey was on her way to become the BEST SINGER In THE WORLD... but lately its the same, in the beginning of her songs she sings with low breathy whispers then mid range 2nd verse, by the bridge shes belting then the very last thing is very fast runs and whistle notes come on mariah you are so much better then this

  13. Calculator, toaster, can opener, waffle iron...? Mind telling me which device you used to type your Stan piece?

  14. They were live but dubbed. She sung all three songs three times. Like the American Idol thing. So it was in fact live raw vocals but they were rearranged to sound nicer...

  15. Mariah still has it. If only she would show it more often. She's not as elastic as she used to be but if she gets these slower songs with less acrobatics, she can still hit any note she needs to wow the crowd.

  16. Maybe she hadn't said a word since her last performance which is why it was in top condition? And it again proves that she really does have the most yo-yo-like voice and performances out there, from going from that bad performance on GMA to (for whatever reason) needing to lip at the BET awards to this show, although thought America The Beautiful was a little too showy tbh.

  17. The same parts that are always lipped. You can hear a sound difference in the lipped parts versus the live parts, it was just a few belts though.

  18. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan6 July 2013 at 02:24

    Finally. A decent performance of #Beautiful. Took you both long enough -___-
    Loved all three songs, she looked so comfortable hitting those notes I feel like a beginner. Probably the cleanest in a long long time. Hero is still my favorite, she toned it down, and let the words speak for themselves.

    Anyway, I hope the album would be great, as for her touring or otherwise... I'm a bit skeptical if she would be pulling it off.

  19. Luiz Henrique Oliveira6 July 2013 at 03:43

    the bitch still can sing! WOW! LOVE me some Mariah! It was so nice to see all the twits prizing her performance.

  20. The oh-oh -oh-oh-oh, so beautifu-u-ul bits.

  21. Her Angels Advocate tour was PHENOMENAL. Her long standing tours usually have very great live vocals. Her Charmbracelet tour had such strong vocals that blew the album's out of the water. Her Angel's tour involved vocals that soared to Eb7, which is pretty good.

  22. She probably lipped the BET awards because it was too layered and complex to maintain everything, or she just didn't know the material well (it's what happened with When You Believe, weirdly enough). She's sung all of these songs before and never missed any of them. I don't think it's yo-yoing because she's never had bad vocals, aside from a vocal split in 50º temperature in the morning which is hell for any singer and her GMA performances were still pretty good.

    Her America the Beautiful has always been full of feeling and remarkably agile. I thought the amount she packed into it was pretty good. Especially that Sea note, which she first displayed in 1990 during the NBA finals.

  23. She wasn't lipping this at all. Leaked videos from excited people with iphones showed that the vocals were incredibly resonant and live. And she's never done the low breathy whispers formula for a while now, even in Beautiful. Her performances of Hero still have a solid midrange (as demonstrated the first verse).

  24. I think the whistles are live. I know this is going to sound crazy but she's been hitting the same note for a while now and it's not a difficult note for her to hit. Take her performances of Obsessed, for example. She hits C7s the exact same way every time, and, in her prime, she sounded exactly like the records in terms of belts but it still had a live feel. I just feel like she did the same.

  25. #Beautiful is lipped from 2:44-2:58 but I think America the #Beautiful is live, fully. Even the whistle, which is a note not all difficult for her to hit (considering how she casually sustained a Bb6, and her whistles for this performance with Miguel). She's been able to make her whistles sound the same because, let's be real, as great as they are, there's no real variance one can really do with them. She usually does the giant whistle note for Sea. She also is able to hit C7s for Obsessed in a simliar fashion despite how they're live.

  26. the only critique i have to offer is that straw chair looked uncomfortable as HELL
    mariah is the queen no doubt and i have never doubted her ability to sing - yes she has lipped which makes me sad but seriously most of peoples' faves couldn't hold a candle to the ability this woman possesses

    god damn mariah is a national treasure and she sounds and looks amazing in these three performances

  27. i agree but who wouldnt be happy hitting those whistles - ive been working years at hitting whistle notes and can barely do it
    and miguel truly did his thing

  28. I was there! The ohs are sung by the background singers. And out of the three times they sung it, all of her belts were placed differently, so I knew they were live.

  29. If you only knew how many times it took for her to get that speech perfectly, lol. I got tired of cheering.

  30. Yeah, and it was recorded in June. I was actually at my house when it aired. It was raining when she taped it, as you can tell with the frizziness of her hair and the wet stage.

  31. Every time she sung it, all of the belts were different, so I really don't know what to believe. But I could tell that they used 2 of the takes. The first time she sung it, the whistles were too high (believe it or not) and she was shocked, and the secong time they were right and she didnt do them the third time. The "Good Lord" belt from MIguel's part of the chorus in the beginning was from the first take. theothers were from the second take. The third take wasnt that good and I saw that they didnt use those notes in the final product. But the parts that you said were lipped were actually livebc everything sounded different each time, like it was a new performance

  32. My point was that her vocal acrobatics seem to be coming at a price. I , in the past questioned the wisdom of them but assumed she was making the choices she makes because she doesn't want to disappoint her fans' expectations. Her happiness here makes me think maybe she holds the same expectations as her fans.

  33. Ohhh, it was the same deal as that AI performance. Where she sang live but we heard a compilation?

    That is so disappointing.

  34. please do me a favor black robin and comment on things you know about lately not things you feel the need to say and not garbage comments

  35. she is what i like to call a bad singer with a beautiful voice please revisit the videos she is clearly not singing all of this... motion or no motion

  36. Didn't know DD had made new rules and assigned a new moderator?

  37. TWITS! MOI?! Well I NEVER!

  38. That was one of my favourite versions of hero, ever!

  39. ".but it looked like she was lip syncing the speaking part for hero." I totally thought that!

  40. My favorite part of this is when nick cannon said her album is coming soon. I'm so disappointed she pushed back the release. She sounds great here IMO She sounds super healthy even if some of it was lipped. I still can't get over how gorgeous she has looked in every performance.

  41. Couldn't agree more, she's amazing, the most impressive vocal performer out there. One thing, though: she has to sit down because even without heels she's 2 inches taller than Miguel! She's 5'9" bare foot, whereas he's 5'7" - 5'8". She must absolutely tower over him in her 4 or 5 inch heels, LOL.

  42. Absurd that you feel the need to criticize a perfectly good performance and use it as evidence for an unsubstantiated hypothesis. You should probably put a disclaimer at the beginning of the post, warning of how biased it is.

  43. Biased towards who exactly? Many people, including some fans, are of the same opinion that she goes from disappointing performances to good ones so often recently and I'm just wondering why that is - and there is evidence of that "yo-yo voice" in many recent performances. The last sentence is my own personal opinion on her doing too much on that song, but I never said it was bad because vocally it was good and so were the other performances.

  44. That wasn't the hypothesis I was referring to- I was actually referencing , and I quote, "Maybe she hadn't said a word since her last performance which is why it was in top condition?".

    Her voice doesn't yo-yo. Yo-yo-ing suggests she switches between two extremes- which she certainly doesn't. She's never truly terrible, and she's never tr4uly stellar.

    And I actually took your last statement to be subtle shade. As in, it was too showy to be live.

  45. Yeah, not technically live, but all the vocals were her, because it was different each time.

  46. That's the pondering I was doing since she's said before she doesn't talk at all on the day or day before her performances. And what do you mean "too showy to be live"? I know it all was 100% live, there was no shade just my personal preference for that song to be sung straight and simpler.

  47. LOL I would hope when I listen to her album all the vocals are her as well. ;-)
    It's nice for the people there, that it was live. Three times as well.
    But obviously it was not Live for the viewers at home. And that is disappointing.
    But frankly ...I think Mariah has proven to be an amazing singer and I like her, but her performances so often are disappointing for one reason or another.
    The disappointment here was minor because though technically not live, the performance on a whole was good.

  48. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan7 July 2013 at 11:34

    Mine too!

  49. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan7 July 2013 at 11:35

    My worries are if she would be making her vocal condition worse, as her voice has been getting hoarser and raspier lately.

  50. miquel remindes me of .....

  51. I think everyone blocked it outXD

  52. I don't think that's a possibility. Charmbracelet led to Mimi which had strong vocals. Angel's advocate led to her Christmas Album which had strong(er) vocals. it gets her on her a game imo.

  53. u tried. and the videos show that she's singing all of this except for like ten seconds in #beautiful.

  54. Definitely the #beautiful performance was live. That high whistle run she was doing is not on the single.

  55. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan8 July 2013 at 07:21

    Lol. I never said she would have weak vocals or not. I said it would get her vocal condition worse. That's two different things. Vocal conditions can mean more than just weak/strong vocals. -_-

  56. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan8 July 2013 at 07:25

    She could have pre-recorded it earlier -_-

  57. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan8 July 2013 at 07:25

    I AGREE! I thought of this too! xD

  58. What's earlier than pre? :-b

  59. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan8 July 2013 at 10:51

    I really don't know... LOL.

  60. LOL No, I was joking at the expense of your mistake. Pre recorded is always " earlier". Ya can't pre record after. ;-)

  61. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan8 July 2013 at 12:40

    Aaah. Good point...

  62. It's a very common mistake actually. Most of us learn the " hard way" by being caught out. LOL

  63. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan8 July 2013 at 13:50

    Chances are I'm gonna repeat it nonetheless without realizing it. ~.~

  64. Well, I promise I won't mention a thing next time. :-)

  65. Ricky Yong Chin Yuan9 July 2013 at 06:37

    No no, you should. gotta be stubborn to fight stubbornness :)

  66. Ah but I'm stubborn myself so I know...better to say it once and let " nature take it's course" than try and push a stubborn person. ;-)

  67. Can we just talk about how mariah gets more gorgeous every time?

  68. Talk away! She's definitely gorgeous.

  69. I swear she has the best performance outfits ever. Even though she's gorgeous now I also like her whole curly hair phase in the 90's. Her beauty was very subtle.

  70. I was thinking more the woman herself than the outfits. Wouldn't call it subtle so much as I would describe it as classy.
    Actually she reminds me very much of a friend of mine, similar kind of rare class.

    Though I guess, compared by many of today's supposed "Beauties" that could be described as subtle. ;-)

  71. am i the only one who is not liking the outfit in #beautiful? and also the barn thing? but other than that i think she worked it out so proud of her

  72. Amazing Performances all of them

  73. She really does sound in impeccable voice here! I actually don't think any of it is lipped, dubbed perhaps but certainly not lipped! I thought America The Beautiful perfectly displayed what she is still capable of. Hero sounded slightly off for me though, not sure why...
