Friday 20 February 2015

Favorite "Empowering" Anthems

Ok, this is a song many will feel is quite literally trash on their first (and most likely only) listen. Still, that hasn't stopped it becoming my current go-to when I need a good kick up the ol' caboose.

Sissy That Walk by RuPaul tells you from title alone that this isn't going to be a deep and meaningful; the message will be direct and in yo face. Nonetheless, it channels an infectious brand of don't give crap that leaves a body feeling it could demolish the world with a single butt drop.

Of course there were more obvious examples I could have opened with, but I picked Sissy That Walk because it's so general in its empowerment, and has nothing to do with a break-up- a la other classics like I will Survive.

So the wider question I put to you guys, because I love and horde empowerment songs, is: What track makes you feel like She-Ra, Princess of Power?

 Leave your go-to empowerment tracks in the comments!


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