Wednesday 25 June 2014

[Watch] Mariah Carey Tackles (Live) The Impossible 'Heavenly' Like A Vocal Beast!

How in the hamburger did I miss Mariah Carey's mini concert, Home In Concert?

Taking place at what I can only assume is one of the diva's many homes, the program saw three songs get a live showing. Of course We Belong Together got its moment, being a fan favourite and her most successful song in recent history, but the two tracks picked from her latest album were a little...odd.

Still, I loved that she sang Heavenly (No Ways Tired/ Can't Give Up Now), since its perhaps one of her trickiest songs. The performance featured a more nasal placement from Mariah on the night. The downside to that was her timbre wasn't as full or rich as it could be, but it did allow for her to reach the crazy belts of the track without sounding too strained or unhealthy .

(A similar singing style was adopted during her brilliant set at BET Blueprintwhilst promoting the Emancipation album. Lord only knows why she doesn't employ it more! )

The consistent timbre throughout Heavenly and We Belong Together makes me want desperately to believe think this was a great live day for Mimi's voice. Thus I decree this FULLY LIVE, SAVELOYS! Dubbed or not, I'll leave for you to decide.

(The performance of Money I'm going to pretend never happened...)


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