Showing posts with label vocal range. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vocal range. Show all posts

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Mary J Blige - Vocal Profile/ Range

Vocal Type: Mezzo-soprano (voice has deepened with age)
Range: 3 octaves. 2 notes A2- C6
Longest Note: 12 seconds .
Vocal Pluses: Soulful voice that has a unique, husky texture. Has a solid midrange, that has a dark, weighty timbre and a lighter chest range that is able to mix well to belt higher into the fifth octave. Dexterous voice that is capable of complex melisma, as well as the stamina to be able to hold sustained notes. Able to use the voice to convey the emotions of the song exceptionally. 
Vocal Negatives: Voice sometimes sounds strained

[Vocal Profile] Beyonce

Vocal Type: Coloratura (Light-Lyric) Mezzo
Vocal Range: 4 octaves. F2-F6 (approx)
Whistle Register: No
Longest Note: 14 seconds - 'Flaws And All' (live)
Vocal Pluses: A technical singer who has trained their voice into one of the strongest in the industry. Her incredible vocal flexibility and dexterity allows for pin-point accurate, and quick melisma that can traverse through the registers [Link]. In addition, her exceptional breath and core support means Beyonce can hold notes, vocalise long phrases and dance with little decline in vocal quality. She is also in possession of a variable vibrato that is considered one of the best in the business [Link ]. She often adds this to “polish” notes and negate any shrillness that may be present.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

[Vocal Profile] Christina Aguilera

Vocal Type: Mezzo- Soprano
Vocal Range: 4 octaves. C3- C7
Whistle Register:Yes
Longest Note: 20 seconds - 'At last' (live)
Vocal Pluses: Christina Aguilera is in possession of a nimble and dexterous voice that is most known for its intricate melisma, slides and edgy belts. The Diva is able to jump between the different parts of her range with ease and swiftness, while possessing the stamina and breath control to sustain notes for extended periods of time [At Last (live)]. Holding these notes, she often forgoes any vibrato [Ain't No Other Man / Let There Be Love]. But when she does choose to add it, she favours a non-traditional, stop/start technique and a seesawing jaw to create the effect. It's a choice that results in a wider vibrato than some of her contemporaries.

[Vocal Profile] Mariah Carey

Vocal Type: Lyric Soprano (considers herself an alto)
Vocal Range: 5 octaves 2 notes and a semi-tone . E2- G#7
Whistle register: Yes
Longest Note: 20 seconds - 'Lead The Way'
Vocal Pluses: Vocal dynamics are second to none: able to go from a crystal clear, high octave belt to an airy whisper within syllable. Has gorgeous low and high notes that are complimented by an uncanny ability to pitch an exact note, without the need of vocal runs or slides [Love Takes Time]. When Vocal runs are utilised by Carey they are incredibly accurate and always sympathetic to the song's key signature, tempo and style, thus giving her the moniker the "Queen of melisma"[Improv]. It's a skill that can be called on in each of the registers, as well as used to traverse through them[Art Of Letting Go]. Technically a brilliant singer.

Mariah Carey's lower range is dark and heavy. With the voice's husky quality, the Diva can reach second octave notes reasonable comfortably [You and I], however she is most comfortable from a c3 upwards. 

The mid-range can either be solid, slightly nasal and resonant [Standing O] or airy and light, almost as if whispering [Christmas Time Is In The Air Again]. It's with these two contrasting singing styles that the Diva is often heard weaving harmonies [I'm that Chick] and playing with dynamics [H.A.T.E.U. ].

The belting voice is elastic and wide, with the lower half being resonant and full [Without you], and the top, brighter and lighter [My Saving Grace].  As Carey's voice ascends the belting range, past D5, the timbre begins to thin, drop weight and lose some of its character as it takes on a headier mix. However, it remains clear and distinct throughout, with the Diva still being able to hold an impressively ringing F5 due to her excellent technique.

The head voice and whistle register are easily accessible to the Diva. Both can have their timbre modified depending on what is artistically called for; being either fuller and piercing [Examples: Head/Whistle] or softer and airier [Examples: Head/Whistle]. As well as being able to pitch notes with incredible accuracy in the whistle register, Carey is capable of articulating words [ Bliss] and sing within the register for long periods of time without vocal fatigue [Angels Cry Interlude.]

Vocal Negatives: As Mariah Carey has aged the higher belted notes- above a C5- have become coarser and harder to maintain for extended periods of time. The lower notes are also pushed, meaning an unhealthy technique is used to reach them.