Wednesday 9 September 2015

Demi Lovato Tackle's Hozier's "Take Me To Church" 4 Live Lounge

Demi Lovato's sezy new image is paying dividends, with her latest single Cool For The Summer currently wrecking charts errwhere.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

[Vocal Profile] Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla

Vocal Type: Lyric soprano
Vocal Range: 2 octaves, 3 notes and A semitone (D3-G#5)
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Strengths: Selena Quintanilla had a voice that possessed a rich powerful tone, and a husky character. Capable of melisma and an impressive vibrato, she stunned live audiences with her breath support and emotive voice.

Friday 4 September 2015

[New Music] Janet Jackson - "Unbreakable"

Latoya Jackson's equally talented sister is back with the follow-up, and title track, to her latest project Unbreakable.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

[Discuss] Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz / "Dooo It"

Fresh off the back of her hosting gig at the MTV Video Music Awards, Miley Cyrus announced the surprise (and immediate) release of her fifth album, Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Petz. "How very Beyonce of her!", the world cries.  But hold up, she actually one-upped the Queen by giving this experimental project away for FREE [Listen here]!

[Music Video] Tinashe - "Bet"

Does seeing a Diva all sweaty, gyrating it in an underpass do it for you? If so, I gotz just whatz ya need!

[Discuss] Nominate Your Song Of 2015 (So Far)

For someone, like me, who does not have an option for "most played song" on his music player- Winamp for lyfe- this is going to be tough. Couple that with having the memory of a cream cake, it may end up being near enough impossible. However, you dolls are a smarter bunch, so this question of simple recall should be easier for you.

Friday 28 August 2015

[Free For All Friday ]

Almost forgot about this today! Whoopsie! Tell me all your secrets!