Tuesday 9 November 2010

Tutorial on how to sing in the whistle register/ tone/ range

Here are some videos that should help you understand the whistle register a little bit better. There is no quick answer to teaching yourself this technique but its been said that anyone can sing in this register with the correct training and commitment. Adam Lopez- yes it is possible for men to sing whistle notes- said that he taught himself how to sing in the whistle register by practising and building his range slowly over time. The most important thing to remember is if it hurts when you try than you must stop because you are doing it incorrectly.

Brett Manning vocal teacher to the stars shows you even a man can sing those high, whistle, notes. He even explains how he achieves them.

Monday 8 November 2010

Singing 101: Explanations of the 4 vocal registers (Fry, Modal, Falsetto, Whistle)

The human singing voice is split into 4 distinct registers.
(1) Vocal Fry (the lowest)
(2) Modal
(3) Falsetto
(4) Whistle (the highest)
Each of these four registers has its own vibratory pattern, its own pitch area (although there is some overlapping), and its own characteristic sound. Below I will provide a short summary of each register with an audio example.

Vocal fry:
The vocal fry register is the lowest vocal register and is produced through a loose glottal closure which will permit air to bubble through with a popping or rattling sound of a very low frequency. The chief use of vocal fry in singing is to obtain pitches of very low frequency which are not available in modal voice. This register is not used that often in singing, and both men and women have been known to do so.


The modal voice is the usual register for speaking and singing, and the vast majority of both are done in this register. As pitch rises in this register, the vocal folds are lengthened, tension increases, and their edges become thinner. A well-trained singer or speaker can phonate two octaves or more in the modal register with consistent production, beauty of tone, dynamic variety, and vocal freedom.


The falsetto register lies above the modal voice register and overlaps the modal register by approximately one octave. The characteristic sound of falsetto is inherently breathy and flute-like with few overtones present. Both men and women can phonate in the falsetto register. The essential difference between the modal and falsetto registers lies in the amount and type of vocal cord involvement. The falsetto voice is also more limited in dynamic variation and tone quality than the modal voice.


The whistle register is the highest register of the human voice. The whistle register is so called because the timbre of the notes that are produced from this register are similar to that of a whistle or the upper notes of a flute, whereas the modal register tends to have a warmer, less shrill timbre. Women of all voice types can use the whistle register. With proper vocal training, it is possible for most women to develop this part of the voice.

Listen to Brett Manning demonstrate all 4 registers, as he hits notes in 6 octaves below.

Saturday 6 November 2010

Listen to new Rihanna songs from the album "Loud" : "S & M", "Cheers (Drink To That)" and "Love the way you lie"

Rihanna new song S and M

Another Rihanna song from her new album Loud has been released. It's called S and M - I'll leave the meaning of this song for you to deduce. Despite the catchy hook, I'm not feeling it as much as the last two songs from the album. Perhaps its a grower.

Lady GaGa is NOT original and copied Grace Jones and Christina Aguilera, to name but a few!

gaga copy roisin murphy
Gaga's supposed coping of Roisin Murphy

In a similar vein to an older postis some more Lady Gaga hate on Youtube. This time it's about her copying other artists' styling and concepts.

Ultimately the creators of these videos wants to show you that Gaga is not as original as they think you think she is.

My two cents: Meh. I've never heard Lady Gaga claim she was original or that her looks were not inspired by these other celebs, so she' got nothing to answer for as far I'm concerned.

Friday 5 November 2010

One of the most emotional performances ever: Jennifer Hudson "You pulled me through" Grammys

What made this performance even more poignant was that Jennifer Hudson performed this Just 4 months after her mother, brother, and nephew  were murdered. Watch as the emotions clearly get too much for her at the end and her composure cracks. Stellar performance.

Christina Aguilera can sing without shouting!! Shock! Who'd have thunk it? Watch her new song

Christina Aguilera has jettisoned  her last album Bionic, after the lukewarm reception, and is instead concentrating on her new film Burlesque. Below is a new song from the film called "I Am a Good Girl" and shows Ms Aguilera's demonstrating a softer vocal styling.  I am enjoying the break from the usual high belts and indulgent melisma. Enjoy

Thursday 4 November 2010

Listen to Kim Kardashian's terrible new song "Shake"

Kim Kardashian booty, nude
Kim Kardashian "Shake"
The guys over at Grapejuice have just premiered a new, Neptunes produced, song by Kim Kardashian called "Shake". Not blessed with the strongest voice Kim is quickly overwhelmed by the busy production.

Sounds like a hot mess to me but perhaps it needs a few more listens to sink in. Listen to it below.

Kim Kardashian - Shake by user6769662

*Upate: Thank  you to commenter Chrystal for bringing it to my attention that this is not Ms Kardashian on the track.*