Tuesday 24 December 2013

Tamar Braxton Performs "Silent Night" @ The Queen Latifah Show

If you're familiar with the Christmas carol Silent Night, I implore you to do yourself a favour, and forget its melody before you watch the video below- maybe try hitting your head against the wall. Why? Well, Tamar Braxton's rendition, recorded for the The Queen Latifah Show, plays so fast and loose with the melody that you'd be hard pressed to have guessed what she was singing if not for the lyric.

Aside from that, the performance, backed solely by a Spanish guitar (fifty thousand million billion internet points to anyone who gets that reference), did show that Tamar's voice is defintetly on the mend; with most parts of it- aside from the low notes- sounding strong. Contrast to the lower end, she seemed to have no problems entering the head-voice, so I would have loved to have heard her explore that part of the range a bit more. Also, did anyone else think she sounded like Beyonce at around 1.05?

This was a somewhat experimental/ freestyle version of Silent night, and I can't  knock Tamar for it. After all, so many Divas have recorded versions of the classic- who could forget the "Duelling Divas" post dedicated to that fact- that the only way she wasn't going to draw comparisons to others was by trying something totally different. She did look nervous as hell doing it, though!



  1. Spanish guitar being one of her her older sister Toni's songs right?

  2. I don't mind excessive melisma usssge if the diction is clear... But the diction here is garbled, muddy and paired with some of the ugliest vibrato I've heard in a while... I'm not the biggest fan of this performance. Lol...

  3. Tamar, thank you for taking your Doctor's diction. Although the first part of the song was quite pitchy I must say, Tamar is truly the next contestant for entering the "Greats" battlefield in my ears. These generation of singers are truly quite... different from each other. (LOL "generation" I'm only 11)

  4. Seriously??? This review is a perfect example of the silliness of listening to music for individual notes and technique of such individual notes sung.
    Because surely to anybody listen to music in a "normal" manner...this was just one of the most horrible musical performances of the year. Somebody bring me Taylor Swift now!

  5. Tamar is a garbage live singer point blank period. She does TOO MUCH (dot) com. Stick to singing background or in the shower honey because the stage ain't for you.

  6. Im afraid it will further your trauma LOL :)))
    you're gonna have to listen to Opera music or Barbra Streisand for the rest of your life Opie if you want to regain some IQ back. I'd lost a lot and it's beyond repair it so sad..... LOL

  7. LOL the funny note at 0:49, it was like the cd skipped or something... this is comedy tbh the belts were horrible. and DD you're right, she sounded like beyonce. Come to think of it she sounded like mariah and beyonce

  8. Oh I don't think even Taylor could further this trauma Josh. ;-)

    Fortunately though, I know of a lot of excellent singers who never get reviewed here and who are in fact neither Barbra nor opera singers.

    But if the price for never having to hear Tamar again would be only listening to Barbra, Callas and Sumi Jo...welll, there are much worse things imaginable.



  9. shes been kinda lazy with her past few performances which sucks cuz i thought she had so much potential when she came out with love and war and wanted to bring attention to her solo career

  10. Yeah I did not think this was good, Her older Sister Toni is just a much better singer by miles, so it's weird listening to Tamar bec I actually can hear similarities in their voice. it's as if Toni magically one day became a soprano, but Tamar lacks the technicalities Toni has.

  11. She is not as good in her lower notes as Beyonce is, and Beyonce's vibrato is a little more pleasant..

    She sounds like the soprano version of Toni but not s good.

  12. Well, considering the fact that she, quite recently, suffered from a vocal hemorrhage, I'd have to give her a 'fair- well done' for this performance. It was not her best, by far, but she succeeded. I wish she would just take the long- awaited vocal rehabilitation that she needs.

    Anyway, this will always remain my favorite 'live' performance of hers:


  13. You're "11"? years old?

  14. I told you to hit your head against something before listening!!

    Had a line about this performance being like Marmite, but took it out because I'm wasn't sure how well it would have translated to the readers outside of the Uk. (Is marmite sold everywhere else?). But I Knew it was going to invoke strong reactions- just didn't know it would damage anyone!!

    Also, Tamar told me to pass these on...;)



  15. Yikes, aren't you too young for this site? (No Shade) I know it's not exactly "adult" but some of our commenters do skirt the line quite often!

  16. The similarities are totally there, did you see when Tamar imitated Tony? It was spot on. (let me find it_) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZaV-h3ETDw

  17. Yep, mumbly joe. Toni suffers from that too.

  18. Congratulations! You win the Internet today!! Everyone else may log off for the day! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvd3qCnsAaY

  19. yep, posted on that hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee http://www.divadevotee.com/2013/04/watch-divas-feel-holy-spirit-bet-2013.html

  20. Hahaha ...Yes you did DD. But I got the impression that was merely referring to her choice of changing the melody. Since you then went on to speak well of "most parts of it"?

    Also, please pass these back to Tamar ;-)



  21. ps well, I know Marmite, I tasted Marmite and let me tell you...Marmite is not for me. ;-)
    But I'd guess most on this blog, from outside the UK, probably indeed would not know Marmite

  22. Oh god, not you. Go away please, you pretentious cunt.

  23. The belted G#5 was crazy, and her head voice stronger than usual, but the low notes were weak and the melisma was all over the place to the point where it didn't even seem like she was bothering with pitch in this performance. Also, she looks and sounds really tense in this performance, with that constant unpleasant vibrato. Sorry, but as incredible as Tamar is, this performance wasn't my cup of tea.

  24. Wait...did Mariah imply the art of letting go may be her last album? Or am I reading too much into her wordchoice...

  25. Now I can't talk about sexually explicit stuff anymore.... FML...

  26. https://31.media.tumblr.com/1410afb4117faf0a11c9f55cbfb680ac/tumblr_inline_my5011xzI21ru3uxu.gif

  27. Oh god, what the *beep* did I just listen to? Up to the 90th sec or so, I couldn't understand word a single she was singing. Just sounded like her humming 'heeee-'eee-beee-beee'.

    Understood that she's always been a contentious 'live' singer but this is hideous. Sorry. She may have executed a few notes here and there well, but that's not the point. The overall execution imho just face-planted! And agreed with the other posters, that was one of the ugliest & most inconsistent artificial vibrato I've ever heard.

  28. see! They sound totally alike...

  29. I've been studying language and other such things since third grade and I recently got into an Advanced class for the subjects I'm into. I've always loved this site since I first found out about it (in third grade). I'm now in fifth grade and I don't mind the language usage as long as I don't use them in any classification or conversation between my friends. Music is my life and I am in the auditioning role for Alice in Wonderland. Wish m luck! :D

  30. Yeah. Recently turned 11. I first came to this site when I was 9. My first "edit" was on Demi Lovato's vocal profile at age 9 :D

  31. "Seriously??? This review is a perfect example of the silliness of listening to music for individual notes and technique of such individual notes sung."

    uh oh...i sense this igniting what could be a pointless, endless loop of flame wars. I see that elitist troll poster (masters in music *cough*) already in the foggy distance. He seems to be carrying a lot of free time and worthless essay scrolls in hand......**runs away screaming**

  32. No need to call me god but I do have some good advice for you..why don't you go away instead.
    Seeing as most of your contributions here are whining about me and my comments.

  33. I don't think it really matters. I mean, after two years of using internet he's probably seen everything. Maybe he could even give us a piece of advice lol

  34. No worries. No flame wars as I already days ago stopped replying to that *looking for a polite word here........no, can't find one polite and yet covering. Going to leave it to your obviously excellent vocabulary to fill in the blanks. :-) * .......

  35. Good luck little dude! :-)
    ( no offense intended with the little. You certainly never sounded as young as all that in your comments. Hence the "dude". I'm impressed)

  36. http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r349/reddragon2_photos/tumblr_m8pj3hBFfG1qkh5w0.gif

  37. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beg5a-JlhEM



    some divas on the list

  38. That was an amazing performance. Clearly the belts were effortless and half of the vocal runs were spot on. Although the sustained notes were quite long for my taste and the runs incorporated into the sustained notes seemed out of place. Other than that the performance was a job well done.

  39. Yes! Tamar and Toni really should do a duet. Maybe on Tamar's fourth album? Fingers crossed.

  40. And besides that...a very merry christmas to you DD. Hope you have a great time..and dry feet. :-)

  41. Tamar needs to sit down and sing her Christmas album as a whole! Her performance here may be too restrained. (If that's possible). If you listen to her Christmas album, you will definitely hear some Mariah Carey influence here and there. Unlike our "Mariah' you won't hear a transformation just bits of vocal runs and riffs that will send a chill down your spine. Clearly, Tamar can sing. She just needs to stop trying to perform like Bey. She has the voice so why try and counterfeit that with unnecessary dancing. (No shade)

  42. LOL. Thank you. I try my best to not act nor sound like my age. We alrerady have enough 11 year-olds acting like immature bots.

  43. Amen. Clearly Leith knows how to preach. And yes. It doesn't matter nor should it. Eleven year-olds can act and sound just as mature as most middle school students (If not high school students) these days. There should not be a segregation between age. Although experience would certainly qualify as one of the main characteristics to describe an adult that would testify our opinion.

  44. Lol, I was only kidding. That boy seems so bright for his age. When I was 11, all I cared about was when the next time Grandma Bevy was gonna cook some fried chicken...lol

  45. Yes, you have a major point. Its just that I know what the mud smells and tastes like and I was considering watering down my general bluntness some. But seriously, you're quite an admirable kid. Lol, if only I can get my twerp cousins into books and stuff. Not to talk down on them but the generation behind me came without talent.... Lol.

  46. Look at this "performance!" It's very amusing but at the same time shows you just how amazing Tamar really is. Those notes at the end were amazing. (I never knew Toni could play the piano).


  47. You sound incredibly smart for your age. I didn't talk like this when I was 11 let alone 14 I believe. Good for you sir.

  48. And I REALLY care about your opinion! Fuck off!

  49. because you are a dumb BITCH

  50. Pal, Mariah's carol has just surpassed 1 milion sold copies on UK. Where are Leona and Kelly? Radio????? Ok, so people are LISTENing to those f-hoes and buying Mariah's song? hahahahah That's even funnier.

  51. Miren esto! :O
    Es Amber Riley y Michelle Williams


  52. Michelle ;O That voice...

  53. lol! LOve it!

    She shaded Eminem, Beyonce and Jay-Z at the same show. LOVING!

  54. Toni can play quite well, she just doesn't bring it into live performances :)
    Not everyone can coordinate the voice, and play an instrument at the same time.

  55. Spot on, except you wouldn't catch Toni sounding as airy as a punctured tire on the lows.

  56. I know right...?

    When I was 11 - 2005 - all I cared about was 'Playstation 2, G.T.A: San Andreas & 50 Cent'. LMFAO.

  57. And a very merry christmas to you too you lovely character you. I am taking that is the milk of human kindness in you? The fact that you went for "bitch" instead of your other favorite. :-)

  58. Yeah, when I was 11 I only cared about videogames. However, at 12 I started caring about playing with other things e.e

  59. Well, not to sound prepotent but I also was one of those preocious kinds that seemed to be older than they really were and I know how frustrating it is to be treated like you know nothing about life (even thought we both still have a lot to learn). Anyway, even if you weren't as mature as you are I'd still treat you like an adult for the good and for the bad. I do that with everyone in my enviroment and the internet is definetly not gonna change it lol

  60. Thank you. Through hardship and many a battles won and lost, I have gotten myself to the level of respect I think I deserve. I'm still funny and weird like all 11 year-olds and I respect everyone deeply because they respect themselves, me, and their peers. That's my motto in life, "I will respect you when you have respected me."

  61. Seriously, it may sound weird (even a little creepy) but I almost see my 11 years old self in you lol Not only you like pokemon (a game that I loved (and still do)), but I'm also a fan of Fairy Tail and I was practicaly born with a typewriter under my sleeve. However even though I was more inteligent than kids at my age, in many ways I was much more immature and until 13 I didn't start to change my attitude (many familiar dramas made me mature earlier). Remember that, even when you're facing the most immature person, you never have to lose your temper. that will only make you stoop at their level.

    PS: Don't judge my writing abilities by my posts in this site, english is not my mother tongue ^^U

  62. Merry christmas Mark! Hope you are having a great time. :-)

  63. 'mumbly joe' hahaha!

  64. Season's Greetings alaneasable. Hope you are having a merry christmas! :-)

  65. Merry Christmas to you. DD, Black Robin...to you too!

    Have a great day guys!

  66. I'm a bit late but I wish you the same! Happy Holidays!

  67. Jeez I think I actually forgot to wish you a merry christmas BlackRobin. Were WAS my mind at? Happy happy holidays dude! :-)

  68. Happy Holidays to you as well!

  69. Oh merry christmas to you too :). I know I'm a little late loll. Happy Boxing day :P

  70. i was listening to this song,i feel weird posting it in a thread full of :O!....... but oh well no harm done.. i hope http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SzrEXcZ4lY

  71. Thank you. I love Fairy Tail and Pokemon as well. English is not my mother tongue and I for one am very diligent and conscious about my writing abilities in terms of spelling and grammar. I first learned when I was 8 and have loved this beautiful language ever since. :)

  72. Primo Uomo Assoluto28 December 2013 at 00:23

    She has a great voice, but way, way, way too overdone.

  73. Jonathan Hernandez29 December 2013 at 17:15

    I swear this girl talks such a good game about her damn vocal abilities, but I have yet to hear it. Ever since she sang 'Love and War' live on Wendy Williams, I wasn't pleased and I've been sceptical about her true vocal ability; though I have been rooting for her I've been sceptical, none the less. I know shes been suffering from vocal hemorrhaging but even her past performances are such a miss. The best I've heard her is from a clip I found on youtube where it's all of her sisters singing on stage with Toni in the middle (after she recieved some award). But seriously somethig thing has got to give.


  74. 1:05-1:07 she sounds so much like Beyonce! She looked so nervous though! Hope she gets better at being on stage. I also hope her voices fully recovers. I think her sound would be better if she opened up and gave more space; it'll be more resonant and it'll help that pitch.I like her rendition of this song, however this isn't the best performance of it, I've seen the videos of her singing this at City Walk and it was much better. Here it was a struggle.
